Marjolein van Pagee (1987), Goes, the Netherlands

2016 – 2018 Master Colonial & Global History, Leiden University
2006 – 2009 Bachelor Photography, AKV St.joost Breda

Marjolein van Pagee

Book Review ‘Genosida Banda’, by Bandanese/Wandanese descendant Muhammad Burhanudin Borut
Lecture: ‘The Nutmeg’s Curse: Remembering the Bandanese Genocide 1621’, KITA, Institute of Ethnic Studies, National University of Malaysia (UKM), Kuala Lumpur
Book Launch ‘Genosida Banda’, Universitas Atmajaya, organized by Frans Seda Foundation, Jakarta (Indonesian/English)
Book Review ‘Genosida Banda’, The Jakarta Post, By Nur Janti
Article ‘Genosida Banda: Narasi Baru Kejahatan Kemanusiaan Jan Pieterszoon Coen’ (The Banda Genocide: A New Narrative of Jan Pieterszoon Coen’s Crimes against Humanity), Tempo, by: Dian Yuliastuti (Indonesian)
Book Launch ‘Genosida Banda’, Jual Buku Sastra, Yogyakarta (Indonesisch/English)
Report of book launch Surabaya on news website Suara Surabaya (Indonesian)
Book Launch ‘Genosida Banda’, Museum Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, organized by Roodebrug Soerabaia
Book Launch ‘Genosida Banda’, Universitas Negeri Malang
Report on the book launch of January 27 in Jakarta, Kompas by Tatang Mulyana Sinaga
Book Launch ‘Genosida Banda’, Komunitas Bambu, at Museum Sejarah Jakarta (Indonesian/English)

Interview Dutch Radio 1  Bureau Buitenland, VPRO, about new government in New-Zealand/ Aotearoa (Dutch)
Book launch, Bung Tomo. De revolutie van 1945. De Balie, Amsterdam
Opinion, ‘Nickel today is what spices were for the VOC’, The Jakarta Post
Opinion, ‘Sorry for the inconvenience, but about the 4.5 billion we don’t talk,’ De Andere Krant
Opinion ‘Apartheid system is the elephant in the room of Dutch Indonesia-debate’, De Andere Krant
Opinion ‘The concept of “extreme violence” is colonial’, Trouw
Conversation with Max von Kreyfelt ‘from VOC to Great Reset’, Café Weltschmerz (Dutch)
Opinion ‘The Dutch not guilty of war crimes in Indonesia?’, The Jakarta Post
Opinion Colonial Racism Catches up with Amsterdam Rijksmuseum‘,

Conversation with Hanno Wisse about ‘the colonial origin of the Great Reset’, Café Weltschmerz (Dutch)
Defending the KUKB Foundation in the ‘Bersiap court case’ against Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
Launching of Histori Bersama’s new project ‘The Indonesia Interviews’, in collaboration with music producer Daniël Samar (chair of the Histori Bersama Foundation)
Opinion ‘New-Zealand is a colonial occupation, like the Dutch East Indies was an occupation‘, NRC
Interview, Dutch Radio 1 ‘Nieuwsweekend’ about the name change of New-Zealand into Aotearoa (Dutch)
Discussion ‘Who writes our colonial history?’, co-organized by Patricia D Gomes, De Balie (Dutch)
Decolonial Learning Session #16: Nederland en Indonesië: recht op herstel’, Aralez, interview by Max de Ploeg, in conversation with Jeffry Pondaag (Dutch)
Interview Indonesian TV program ‘Melawan Lupa’ about Bung Tomo (Indonesian)
Opinion ‘New-Zealand is a colonial occupation like the Dutch East Indies was an occupation‘, NRC
Opinion ‘The useless spending of 4.1m euros on the study of ‘extreme violence’’ in The Jakarta Post
Interview Indonesian TV program ‘Melawan Lupa’ about Dutch-Indonesian bilateral relation

Interview about Banda by Kartika Soekarno (daughter of Sukarno)
Interview by Indonesian TV program ‘Melawan Lupa’ about K’tut Tantri
Interview about Banda by Max van der Werff, Cafe Weltschmerz
Review of Banda by Sandew Hira, IISR (Dutch)
Review of Banda in Nederlands Dagblad (Dutch)
Interview radio Tamara about Banda (Dutch)
Review of Banda by Harry Westerink, (Dutch)
Christa Soeters compares the film De Oost with Banda (Dutch)
Video message about the film De Oost (Dutch/Indonesian)
Interview Arcadia ‘Banda: 400 years of falsification of history’ (Dutch)
Review of Banda in the Volkskrant (Dutch)
Review of Banda in the NRC (Dutch)
Opinion ‘Colonial Netherlands was itself a fascist occupier’, Trouw
Interview OVT radio 1 about Banda
Publication Banda – The Genocide of Jan Pieterszoon Coen (Publisher: Omniboek)
Pre-publication of Banda on (Dutch)
Participant in ‘Emancipating History #7’ Pakhuis de Zwijger, Indonesia: anti-colonial resistance and reparations (Dutch)

Consultant of translating Dutch anticolonial texts, Translating Antiracism project, University of Michigan
Opinion article in The Jakarta Post “From Grotius to Zegveld: 400 years of right to plunder”
Opinion article in The Jakarta Post “Beware of Dutch King”
Presentation Studio/K “Tempo doeloe? Whose memory is that?”

Presentation Wereldmuseum Rotterdam, with Linda Lemmen
LEO Lecturer I at the University of Michigan Dutch & Flemish Studies, co-teaching with Dr. Annemarie Toebosch) See newsletter Winter 2020
Research assignment for Dr. Mitha Budhyarto, Lasalle College of the Arts in Singapore
Opinion Article in The Jakarta Post ‘How Amsterdam Ignores Sukarno As Anticolonial Leader’
Research assignment Theater company: Hotel Modern
Presentation, De Balie, Amsterdam
Co-organizer seminar ‘Colonial Legacies Today: Indonesia and the Netherlands‘, Amsterdam

Opinion article in Trouw: Ignoring 4 million victims
Opinion article Novini: Lubach and Facebook
Opinion article in The Jakarta Post: Connecting the Dots

Winner annual LISF-price (Leiden University Fund) for best report on a foreign study trip
Cleveringa lecture in Paris
Interview Leids Universitair magazine Mare ‘Oorlogsmisdadiger of Held (op sokken)?
Report Dutch National Radio, Reporter radio (KRO-NCRV)
Opinion article in the Jakarta Post: ‘The Netherlands and others are poor advisers for Indonesia’
Interview Dutch National radio 1, De Nieuwsshow, ‘Indonesië wandelt richting fundamentalisme’

Founding of Histori Bersama foundation
Publication ‘Pemuda’s and Belanda’s’ Dutch Magazine Nationaal Comité 4 en 5 mei
Exhibition veteran portraits, Atmajaya University Jakarta, via Frans Seda Foundation (FSF)
Participant seminar ‘Dutch & Indonesian young leaders’ organized by Frans Seda Foundation (FSF)
Opinion article in Dutch newspaper NRC: ‘Japan capitulated but we re-occupied the Dutch East Indies.’
Article in Dutch newspaper NRC: ‘Malik wants apologies for the beheading of his father’
Report Dutch National Radio 1, Reporter radio (KRO-NCRV)
Announcement Radio report in: Vrij Nederland
Announcement Radio report in local newspaper PZC 

Lecture University Yogyakarta (UGM)
Report for Dutch National Radio, Reporter radio (KRO-NCRV)
Report for Dutch National Radio, Reporter radio (KRO-NCRV)
Dutch newspaper NRC about Dutch retaliation in 1949, in cooperation with Gijsbert van Es

Exhibition (group) Salon Zerp, Gallery Zerp, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Exhibition (solo) Kembang Kuning – Gele Bloem, Gallery Zerp, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Presentations: Poros Photos, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, / Matanesia Pictures, Surabaya, Indonesia
Dutch newspaper NRC ‘Het Grote Verhaal‘, massgrave on Madura, by journalist Anne-Lot Hoek
Interview Dutch National radio, Reporter radio NCRV-KRO

Exhibition (group) Salon Zerp, Gallery Zerp, Rotterdam, The Netherlands (group)
Exhibition (group) HOME enter, international Design Cafe, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Dutch newspaper NRC ‘Het Grote Verhaal’, veteran Grijzenhout by Anne-Lot Hoek
Interview Indonesian newspaper Jawa Pos
Article in TheJakarta Post, ‘Children of War’ by journalist Sylvia Liem

Exhibition (group) Genius Loci, Kabinetten van de Vleeshal, Middelburg, The Netherlands
Exhibition Kembang Kuning Gele Bloem, Tugu Pahlawan – heroesmonument, Surabaya, Indonesia
Book published by de Vleeshal Middelburg, following the exhibition Genius Loci
Dutch local newspaper PZC, article about exhibition Genius Loci
Dutch online magazine Hard//Hoofd, about Kembang Kuning – Yellow Flower
Article in Zeeuws Tijdschrift, about photo project Kembang Kuning – Yellow Flower
Publication about Kembang Kuning – Yellow Flower in Vrij Nederland
Interview Dutch National radio
NEW Dutch Photography Talent 2012 (GUP-magazine)
Magazine of the young Socialists of the PvdA (4 times a year)

Exhibition (group) Texas Contemporary Houston, presented by PX gallery – New York, United States
Exhibition (group) ArtMRKT Hamptons New York, presented by PX gallery – New York, United States

Exhibition (solo) Work in Progress. Art Residence Kipvis, Vlissingen, The Netherlands (solo)
Exhibition (solo) Conference Schizofrenia – Cityhall, Middelburg, The Netherlands
Exhibition (group) Zeeuwse lichting#09 – Contemporary Art Centre, Middelburg. The Netherlands

Exhibition (group) Graduation show, AKV St. Joost, Breda, The Netherlands
Exhibition (group) Portrait of a city. Cityhall Breda & Blockprinting museum Yangzhou, China

Exhibition (duo) Visible Believe. Zeeuwse Library, Middelburg, The Netherlands (with photographer Jan Banning
Photography for magazine: Calvijn!
Photobook ‘Portrait of a city Yangzhou.’
Mister Motley #18 Image